Optimizing Your Session

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Please be on time for our session.  If you need to adjust, or re-schedule for any reason, please inform me in advance.  I am very understanding, and flexible, and have quite a sense of humor.  Simply let me know as soon you can, and we’ll both adjust.

If we are conducting a session via Skype, Zoom link, phone or FaceTime – please be in a quiet situation so that you can focus on our conversation.  Interruptions, noise, and freeway traffic can be quite distracting!

If you prefer to see me in my office, I will send you directions in advance. There is not necessarily any advantage for you to meet me in person – the content will be the same.

I do not have to see you, or to be near you, to stimulate my intuition or abilities. I have worked with clients all over the world, for decades, and never met them face-to-face!

Sessions are quite information intensive, it is therefore IMPORTANT for you to record the sessions.  However you choose to record is your responsibility. Voice memos in your phone is the most common method.  Skype can record the session.

Having said that, it is a great idea to take written notes as a back-up.  You may also want to annotate a calendar. Then you will have written back up.

Please try to be rested, and be open-minded to entertaining new possibilities!  If you can meditate or contemplate what you most want to know from the planets, that can help me, too.

My Intention

is to translate to you the message of your stars, in a loving, and understandable way. I meditate and pray to be able to do this clearly, with each client.  


My Consulting Style

is mainly “informational”.  Before our session, I cast your chart, and research the planetary conditions that are operating currently and in the future for you specifically. I identify the object of your question, then present my findings, and suggest remedial measures to you, in our session.  


You are encouraged to ask

for clarification, or verification of what you hear.  Your appointment includes time for specific questions not stated in advance, in case we veer off on an interesting tangent.  You will find the Vedic astrological take on your life quite fascinating!

You may drive the session by asking me various direct questions.  Or you may simply listen while I describe the cosmic conditions in your life and in your future.  Or, as most often happens, a session transpires with some combination of both approaches.

We may be able to extend the length of your consultation, if desired, or necessary, on a pro rata basis, mutual schedules allowing.

By the end of our session you should be much better informed about yourself/situation, certain that you have received full value for the fee, and feel hopeful about your future.  Thank you for allowing me to be your collaborator!