What Astrology Can Do For You

Timing Important Events

This can be crucial for your future success.  Working with your astrological cycles allows you to plan ahead so that you are prepared to take the correct action at the right moment. Launch your ship at high tide! The current transits of planets (where the planets are in the sky right now, and how they affect you for good, or for ill) is a valuable way to objectively determine how and when to act.

  • Increase possible alternatives, and identify your best choices

  • Recognize your opportunities, and rise above any challenges

Master Self Awareness

Astrology suggests that “Character is Destiny”. “Know Thyself, and All Will be Known.” Your character, as shown through the planets at the time and place where you were born, implies your future destiny. An astrological analysis can help you identify the following:

  • Clarify your inner conflicts or behavior patterns, and suggest ways for you to resolve them

  • Recognize your latent talents and skills,  maximizing your potentials

  • Create better communication

  • Increase self-esteem, and self-acceptance

Enhance Your Relationships

Relationships can be complex!  Understanding your own planets can help.

  • Identify what you need in a relationship, which may or may not be what you usually attract

  • Cautions you about potential incompatibilities, or troublesome romantic cycles

  • Increases your understanding of lovers, family members, and colleagues

Geographical Locations

The best locations for your success can be deduced from your birth chart

  • Defines the best cities or countries for your expansion and gain

  • Cautions you about locations of stress or challenges

  • Identifies your power places of flow

Career Options and Vocational Decisions

 The best career choice, or options to serve society, can be described through your horoscope

  • Utilize your natural inclinations and abilities

  • Identify career interests and skills and support them

  • Define your own Dharma/Mission/Life Purpose